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At MOSAIC, we understand the evolving landscape of marketing strategies. While digital marketing has come to the forefront, direct mail remains a powerful marketing tool for rounding out campaigns, reaching their target audience in a way that digital cannot. Today, it is best practice to integrate direct mail with digital marketing to enhance overall campaign effectiveness.  

In this blog, we walk you through the essentials of direct mail marketing, its pros and cons, costs, and best practices, ensuring you have all the information needed to leverage this traditional yet impactful marketing strategy. 

What is Direct Mail Marketing?

Direct mail marketing involves sending physical marketing materials through the mail stream, such as postcards, brochures, catalogs, or letters, directly to the target audience’s mailbox. Unlike digital marketing channels, direct mail is delivered to the recipient’s mailbox creating a tangible connection, giving you an opportunity to create a unique and impactful approach. 

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Does Direct Mail Marketing Work?

Yes, direct mail marketing does work. Despite the rise of digital marketing, direct mail continues to yield impressive results. Studies have shown that direct mail tends to have a higher response rate compared to digital marketing. The Direct Marketing Association’s 2023 Response Rate Report found that direct mail boasts an average response rate of 2.7% to 4.4%, significantly higher than the 0.12% for email and 0.08% for social media. The tactile nature and the ability to personalize direct mail can leave a lasting impression, making it an effective way to capture attention and drive engagement. 

Pros and Cons of Direct Mail Marketing


  1. Tangibility: Direct mail pieces are physical and can be held, making them more memorable than digital ads. 
  2. Targeted Approach: With proper data, you can target specific demographics, increasing the chances of reaching potential customers. 
  3. Personalization: Direct mail can be highly personalized, making recipients feel valued. 
  4. High ROI: Studies indicate that direct mail often achieves a higher response rate than digital marketing efforts. 
  5. Less Competition: In an era where individuals are swamped daily by hundreds of social media and email advertisements, direct mail faces less competition in recipients’ mailboxes. 


  1. Cost: Direct mail can be expensive due to printing and postage costs. 
  2. Environmental Concerns: The production and disposal of physical mail can have a negative environmental impact. 
  3. Delivery Time: Unlike digital marketing, direct mail takes time to be delivered. 
  4. Tracking Challenges: Measuring the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns can be more challenging compared to digital methods. 
  5. Potential for Discarding: Some recipients might view direct mail as junk and discard it without reading. Although it’s also believed that to throw something away is to ingest brand knowledge and impression. 

How Much Does Direct Mail Marketing Cost?

The cost of direct mail marketing can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of mail piece, design, printing, postage, and the quantity of the mailing list. On average, you can expect to spend between $0.22 and $1.00 per piece for standard postcards and letters, varying on your overall print quantity. More elaborate mail pieces, such as catalogs or brochures, can cost significantly more. Additionally, purchasing or renting a mailing list can add to the overall expense. 

How to Do Direct Mail Marketing

Step 1: Define Your Goals 

Before launching a direct mail campaign, clearly define your objectives. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or generate leads? Knowing your goals will help shape your campaign strategy. This is also the time to figure out your deadlines and create a timeline of when you want the mail piece to land in mailboxes. It’s best practice to plan the timing of your mail drop to coincide with relevant events or promotional periods. Share this mailbox deadline with your print and mailing vendors and they will tell you when you have to get the design files to them. 

Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience 

Are they prospects, current or past customers? Who are they? What do they like? What do they know about you and your industry? Look at demographics, purchase history, and customer preferences to create a detailed profile of your ideal recipients. 

Step 3: Construct Your Mailing List 

A well-targeted mailing list is crucial for the success of your campaign. Using data points from the study done in Step 2, purchase a list from a reputable provider, or rent a list from a mailing list broker. It is best practice to “seed” the list with the home addresses of 3-4 people in your company and monitor when they get the mail piece and how it held up in the mail.  

Step 4: Choose a Print and Mailing Partner 

Your print and mailing partner should be a reputable and experienced printer to ensure your mail pieces are printed to a high standard. Recommended are printers with their own mail house and mailing experts to get ahead of any potential issues. They can look at your design and mailing list and suggest adjustments to get the best mailing prices and discounts. This is especially important for complex mailings with multiple components, such as letters, envelopes, and inserts. Size of the mailing panel, placement of the address and indicia are crucial for automated mailing requirements.  

Step 5: Create Compelling Content 

The foundation of your design should be driven by the audience you constructed in Step 3. Ensure the content is relevant to your audience, brand consistent and aligned with your campaign goals. Your direct mail piece should have a clear message and a compelling call to action (CTA). Personalization (relevant content per person) can significantly enhance engagement. Be aware that current digital print technology allows for extensive personalization from messaging and offers to photos and colors. Keep this marketing strategy in mind when creating the content for the designer. 

Step 6: Design Your Mail Piece 

Invest in a professional design that reflects your brand identity. Use high-quality images and ensure the layout is visually appealing. Highlight the CTA, making it easy for recipients to take the desired action. Ensure that the next step the customer takes (CTA) is logical and keeps them engaged, leading smoothly toward making the sale. This landing spot is essential for the designer to see because it may influence their design choices. As explained in the next step, this point in the process is a good time to consult a direct mail postal expert to make sure your design meets postal regulations. You should also show them your mailing list for a strategic review. 

Step 7: Print and Send Your Mail 

Once your mail pieces are approved, the final design files and mailing list are ready to be sent to the printer. The vendor may ask you to send the mailing list earlier than the print files. 

Step 8: Track and Measure Results 

Tracking the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign can be challenging, but it’s essential for understanding your return on investment (ROI). Use unique codes, personalized URLs, or dedicated phone numbers to monitor responses and gather data on your campaign’s performance. 

Best Practices for Direct Mail Marketing

  1. Personalize Your Mail. Personalization is key to capturing your audience’s attention. Use recipients’ names, tailor the content to their preferences, and make the message feel personal and relevant. 
  1. Use Eye-Catching Design. An attractive design can make your mail piece stand out. Use bold colors, high-quality images, and a clean layout. Ensure your branding is consistent and recognizable. 
  1. Include a Strong Call to Action. Your CTA should be clear and compelling. Whether it’s visiting a website, making a purchase, or contacting you for more information, make it easy for recipients to take the desired action. 
  1. Test, Optimize, and Resend. Before sending out your entire batch, consider conducting a test mailing to a small segment of your audience. Analyze the results and make any necessary adjustments to improve the effectiveness of your campaign. If not, analyze the results of your full campaign, adjust and resend. 
  1. Integrate with Digital and Other Channels. It’s best practice to reach out to your recipients through other channels, such as email or phone calls. A multi-channel approach can reinforce your message and increase the likelihood of a response. 
  1. Measure Your Success. Determine your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as response rates, conversion rates, and ROI. Track the performance of your campaign by measuring those key metrics and use this data to refine your strategy for future campaigns. 
  1. Consider Timing. Timing can significantly impact the success of your direct mail campaign. Send your mail pieces when they are most likely to be noticed, such as during weekdays or before a major shopping season. 
  1. Be Clear and Concise. Your message should be clear and concise. Avoid clutter and focus on delivering a straightforward message that resonates with your audience. 
  1. Offer Incentives. Incentives like discounts, special offers, or exclusive deals can motivate recipients to act. Ensure the incentive is compelling and relevant to your audience. 
  1. Stay Compliant. Ensure your direct mail campaigns comply with relevant regulations and guidelines, such as data protection laws and opt-out requirements. This helps maintain your brand’s reputation and avoids legal issues. Consult your mailing experts early and often! 

In Conclusion, direct mail marketing can be a highly effective way to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. By understanding the pros and cons, costs, and best practices, you can create successful direct mail campaigns that drive engagement and deliver measurable results. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost sales, direct mail offers a tangible and impactful marketing solution that stands out in today’s digital world. 

At MOSAIC, we’re here to help you craft and execute direct mail campaigns that resonate with your audience. With our expertise and commitment to quality, we ensure your direct mail marketing efforts bring the best possible results. 

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your marketing strategy.